Big Boss Brewing Company - craft beer from Raleigh, NC

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About Us

Quick links: Contact/ Mission/ Hours/ Kegs / More


Mark Valeriani (brewer), Geoff Lamb (owner),
John Pyburn (packaging)
Jonny Johnson (sales),
Brad Wynn (brewmaster),
David Rogers (marketing), Ricky Bobby (cellerman)

Big Boss Brewing Company was started in 2006 and shipped it first beer in the 2nd quarter of 2007 in the triangle area of North Carolina. It was formed as collaboration between Geoff Lamb, a UNC graduate, who returned to North Carolina in 2006 to join forces with Brewmaster, Brad Wynn, who has 12+ years of brewing experience including several years with Victory, Wild Goose and Native Brewing Company.

Mail: 1249-A Wicker Drive Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: 919-834-0045 Fax: 919-834-0046
E-mail: info<at>bigbossbrewing<dot>com

Distribution in central North Carolina:
Distribution in the Charlotte area:
Bealer Wholesale (704) 509-3000
Distribution in Mountains of North Carolina:

At Big Boss, we brew real beer. Beer for people who appreciate the fact that while different styles of beer taste, well, different, a well-made beer always satisfies. Big Boss is designed to be appreciated, but crafted to be enjoyed. It’s a beer drinker’s “house brand” – always satisfying. Enjoy a pint when you’re out, and keep a few in the fridge. Better yet, become a “Friend of the Boss” by joining our e-mail list or visiting us at our brewery and tap room in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Tasting Room:

all closing hours subject to change
retail sales can be made during these hours

Tue 5pm-12am
Wed 5pm-2am
Thu 5pm-2am
Fri 4pm-2am
Sat 3pm-2am
Sun closed


Keg Sales:

1/2 and 1/6 bbl Bad Penny, Angry Angel and Hell's Belle kegs are available for public sale. Taps and ice bucket available on request. Each keg requires a $100 cash deposit and must be returned in 7 days.

Call the tasting room (919-834-0045) during the hours above to reserve your order at least 24 hours in advance. Then download, fill out and print this state required transportation form. Adobe Acrobat required.


E-Mail List:

Sign up to receive info on brewery tours, beer festivals, seasonal brew announcements, availability, merchandise updates and more fun stuff!! 
More stuff:

Big Boss on MySpace
Big Boss on YouTube
Big Boss on Facebook
Big Boss on Twitter
Big Boss photos on Picasa
Big Boss Tavern on MySpace

Design by Dave Rogers /Away Team Media

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Brewery Tour!
Bad Penny!